Dale Favors Awarded the DEIC Power100 Advocate Award

About the Award

(From DEIC Power100 “About the Award“)

“Blueprint Capital Advisors LLC is pleased to present the Diversity, Equity and Inclusive Capitalism Power100 List (“DEIC Power100”). The DEIC Power100 is a first-of-its-kind list and awards that will recognize individuals and firms in alternative asset management that are delivering exemplary investment results, demonstrating industry leadership and contributing positively to closing gender, wealth, health, education, and other social and economic equity gaps that provide alpha opportunities while simultaneously moving the industry in the direction of inclusive capitalism.

The goal of the DEIC Power100 is to not only honor but bring together alternative asset management industry participants to collaborate, network, and share ideas that will expand the community of diverse asset managers. Creating the inaugural class of nominees was no small task. There was no roadmap to follow, and so we endeavored to create one in an effort to shine a light on the Icons, Asset Managers, Advocates, Allocators, Advisors and Angels who understand the importance of creating a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive asset management industry. It is our hope that the DEIC Power100 becomes an institution and community that continues to acknowledge and celebrate positive leadership and applauds collaboration towards a common vision of diversity, equity, and inclusive capitalism. We look forward to the positive impact of the DEIC Power100 for years to come.”


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